Tuesday, August 15, 2017

First Day of School info

Dear Parents,

Today we had a wonderful time with some of our new students during new student orientation. Once again, welcome to Kindergarten!


We would like to share some information regarding the first day of school.

Drop off and Pick up

Every morning the children will go to the PK/KG playground to play before school starts, and they will place their backpacks in a designated area for KG. We will show the children where this area is, and there will be a poster identifying the spot. The playground is where children will say goodbye to their parents and be ready to go to class!

School starts at 7:55, for this reason we will line up at 7:45 (as soon as the music starts playing!) to walk to the classrooms. If your child arrives after 7:55 or after we have left the playground, please make sure you walk them to their classroom.

Dismissal will be at 3:05, students may be picked up from the classroom by their parents, take the bus or go to the gate to be picked up by a nanny. If your child will take the bus or go to the gate, please email us with the bus number or information about the person in charge of pick up at the gate. We will need a photocopy of the nanny’s passport.

Teachers will dismiss children one by one, if you wish to speak to us we kindly ask that you wait until all students have been dismissed. We truly appreciate your support!

For any changes in your child’s dismissal plans that have been planned ahead of time, please email teachers or send a note in their folder. If you need to make a last minute change in dismissal plans, please call the elementary office at 2755-5202. Please be advised that as we are with students for most of the day, we may not always have time to check our emails for last minute information from parents. We truly appreciate your support.

What children will need to bring to class

Snack and Lunch
Every day students must bring a packed snack and a packed lunch, separately (in two different bags). If your child wishes to eat a hot lunch from the cafeteria, please send a lunch card in their folder.

The temperature in the classroom is regulated, however students may feel a bit cold during the day. For this reason we would appreciate if you send a sweater with your child’s name written on it. Every student will also need to send a change of clothes in a labeled bag, this includes a shirt, pants/skirt, underwear and socks. We will keep this change of clothes in our classroom.

All students are encouraged to bring a water bottle every day. Having a water bottle in the classroom allows them to drink water as they need to.

Starting tomorrow, kindergarteners will take home a folder for school-home communication and lunch card/cash for hot lunches. Once they start taking homework later this fall, it will go back and forth in this folder. You may also send notes to teachers in them. Having a school folder supports independence in the children by reminding themselves to bring it to school every day.

Schedules and important specials to keep in mind

You can access our schedules in this blog by clicking on the Schedule tab:

Screen Shot 2017-08-15 at 2.51.57 PM.png

Please keep in mind when your child has swimming and library, as they need to bring a swim bag and a library bag on those days.

Room parent info

Parents, if any of you are interested in volunteering for an important classroom role, the room parent, please contact your child’s teacher. The parent who volunteers for this job will help to facilitate communication between the KG teachers and parents, as well as help to some classroom events throughout the year.  Please do let me know if you will be interested in helping out!

We appreciate the time you take to read our weekly newsletters and are looking forward to a wonderful school year!

Please, let us know if you have any questions or feedback, we’d love to hear from you!
Our emails:

Ms. Ana (KGC) - achavez@cacegypt.org
Mr. Balazs (KGB) - nbalazs@cacegypt.org
Ms. Paola (KGS) - psadek@cacegypt.org

Thank you!

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