Sunday, March 18, 2018

Week 29. March 18 - 22

A busy day walking around the park!

With a great photo we welcome you to a new week! We would like to thank all chaperones for their support at our last field trip, please make sure you fill out the online feedback form! Would you like to see more photos from that day? Click here!

Music Informances: You're Invited!

This week, all kindergarten students will have Music informances in the Music classroom. Children are looking forward to seeing you there if you can make it!
Here are the dates and times for each class:

KGS - Tuesday, March 20 (8:30 - 9:00 am)
KGC - Wednesday, March 21 (1:00 - 1:30 pm)
KGB - Wednesday, March 21 (2:20 - 2:50 pm)

We continue to add important dates and events to our grade level calendar, please make sure you check it regularly. KGC’s assembly is next week! We look forward to seeing all on March 27th

From the Library:

Mark your calendars! The annual ES Book Parade Assembly is on April 10th, the day we get back from the April break. This year, the ES Library Council has declared the theme to be GRAPHIC NOVELS! Stay tuned for more details.

Learning This Week

Writing Workshop

This will be the last week for our informational writing unit, it’s time to publish again! Writers will be working with partners for a final revision of their pieces, offering compliments and feedback to each other. Before publishing, writers will check their writing to make sure readers can read their books, editing along the way. We look forward to celebrating another successful unit as a grade level!

Reading Workshop

It’s going to be a big week of reading! Kindergarten readers will be building on their ability to make connections by discussing how parts of books are similar and different. They will also learn how to retell familiar books by making sure to include the setting and characters along with the beginning, middle, and end. This is big work! Finally, students will have a day to practice “snap words” and review how knowing these high-frequency words can help readers read smoothly.


This week mathematicians will work in centers as we do one on one assessments. This will be the last week of Module 4. The activities we have planned for the centers will reinforce the addition and subtraction strategies taught throughout the module.


This is the last week of our animals unit! Students will imagine they are explorers who encounter a brand new animal! Knowing what they know about habitats and animal needs, they will represent their animal and describe where it lives, what it eats, and what eats it (if anything). This is a fun and creative way to assess what students have learned about animals in this unit.

We will soon start our second and last Science unit about matter. In this unit, students will explore different materials such as plastic, metal, wood, paper, cardboard and glass to learn about their properties and how these are used to make things we use in our lives. We would like to ask parents to send recycled materials that can be used for this unit. As a final project, students will need to use materials to build a toy or something else they come up with. Eventually we’ll ask for you to help us gather a variety of materials!


This week the kindergarten classes will continue focusing on the core value of perseverance and the ways students can show this value at school and at home. However, circle time is a time of community building and individual classes will be revisiting other core values as the need arises.

Thank you!
Ms. Ana, Ms. Paola, and Mr. Balazs

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