Monday, February 5, 2018

Week 23. February 4 - 8

Welcome to a new week in Kindergarten!

Important information! Family Picnic - Feb. 8

Due to popular demand, we will be having another BBQ for picnic day this Thursday, February 8. Kindly sign up through the google form (below) if interested! There is a google sign-up form for each grade (see other links in the Eagle Eye newsletter). For siblings, please sign up each child in their respective grade order form.

The DEADLINE for orders will be on Tuesday, February 6th by 5:00 p.m.
We kindly ask that parents drop off the money in a labelled envelope to the ES office (name, class code and order). Kindergarten lunch time is from 12:10 to 12:50

IMPORTANT: Unfortunately we will not be able to take orders on the day of the BBQ and we will have to cancel orders that have not been paid by Tuesday the 6th.

We look forward to seeing you all!!
KG Family Picnic Order Form

Math Night!

We hope you’re ready for some fun Math games! We look forward to seeing you all this Wednesday from 4:15 to 5:15 pm. Kindergarten will be in the Drama Room.

Mystery Readers Wanted!

All three KG classes have lots of dates available to sign up for parents to come in and read to classes. If you have not had a chance to come in a read, it is a delightfully fun time in out week. Students get so excited to discover who will be coming into their classroom! We can’t wait to listen to you read!

Sign up by clicking on the KGB, KGC, and KGS Mystery Reader tabs at the top of the KG Blog, or send an email to your classroom teacher. Thank you!

Counseling Corner

Dear CAC Parents,

In guidance we are working on emotional management and discussing strong emotions, how they make our bodies feel and calming down strategies. It is important for kids to understand that everyone gets upset but that we are all still responsible for our behaviors.

We discussed the concept of “flipping our lids” and how to calm down when our emotions take over our thinking.  We are sharing calming down strategies and practicing different ways to calm ourselves down when upset.  Please share with your children strategies that you use when you have a strong emotion.

This month’s Core Value is Creativity.  The elementary school defines creativity as ‘being inspired to imagine and explore’.  A lot of the time when we think of creativity we think of the arts.  However, creativity is more complex and fascinating.  In elementary, will be spending the month exploring the idea of creativity and have shared this article with the teachers. You can help support our efforts at home by investigating the concept with your child. 
How do you define creativity?  Is there anything that might block creativity? 
Attached is a thought-provoking article in the New York Times about developing creativity. 
How to Raise a Creative Child. Step One: Back Off

Learning This Week

Reading Workshop

This week our readers will learn to Read, Cover, Remember, and Retell what they have just read. Retelling is an essential component of comprehension and our super readers get to practice this skill with reading partners. They will also dive deeper into what it means to be a reading partner. What types of questions do partners ask each other? What is your job while your partner reads? What can you talk about when a book is finished?

Reading partners support each other’s learning. Partnerships allow students to practice independence, responsibility, respect, and communication!

Writing Workshop

Writers busy at work!

It’s publishing week, yay! This week, we have planned lessons on revising, editing and getting ready to publish opinion pieces. One of the strategies we’ll teach students is called “add a page, subtract a page” in which writers will reread their books and make decisions on pages that may need to be moved around or replaced. Organization in key for writers during the revision process, revisiting moves they will be doing as writers for years to come.

Before publishing, writers also look at the neatness of their writing and check for lowercase letters, spaces between words and periods at the end of sentences. Choosing covers and titles for their books is also part of the publishing awesomeness.

Stay tuned for the fun way in which we’ll be celebrating the end of this unit!


This week, students will  continue working on topic C and they will begin Topic D which introduce the concept of subtraction. Here is what this new Topic covers:


This week, students will continue to explore the CAC core value of integrity, discussing what it is to have and display the behaviors that go with integrity. Students will be taking home the Core Value book The Smallest Girl in the Smallest Class by Justin Roberts, to read with their families and return the next day.

Students will continue to have conversations about animals and their basic needs. Scientists will talk about characteristics they see in certain animals and discuss movement, covering, diet and and how this influences where animals live. We love studying animals and are eager to learn more!

The excitement continues to build up the closer we get to hatching day! Scientists continue to generate questions and predictions throughout the incubation process, journaling about the embryo’s growth, the candling process and comparing their predictions to information learned from books. We’re halfway there, 8 more days to go!

Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletters,

Ms. Ana, Ms. Paola, and Mr. Balazs

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