Sunday, November 26, 2017

Week 16. Nov 26 - 29

Welcome back to school, we hope you all had a good and relaxing Thanksgiving break! Kids Day was a huge success and we would like to thank you all for your continuous support!

This will be a short week as we’ll have Parent Teacher conferences tomorrow and the Prophet’s birthday on Thursday. There will be no school for students on these days.
We are looking forward to meeting all parents and talk about students’ progress in Trimester 1 and goals for Trimester 2. If you haven’t booked a conference yet, please do so through your dashboard.
After School Activities - Session 2
After school activities start again this week, we ask that you please let your child know the activities they have every day as this supports independence.

Learning This Week!

Reading Workshop
This week, Kindergarten Super Readers will be doing the important work of learning how to talk about books. Adults talk about books all the time. We even have clubs just for getting together to talk about books! Students will learn how to introduce a book to their reading partner by giving a brief introduction without giving away the ending. This is a great way for these young readers to practice their comprehension, while honing their “book talk power” at the same time. While reading, students will practice marking a page that they want to highlight when they talk to their partner. We are Super Readers!

Writing Workshop

Writers are busy writing to teach others! This week they will learn about diagrams and how these support readers as they get even more information. Students will learn how to create a diagram out of their sketches by adding more detailed labels that give clear directions in each step.
Later this week we will introduce a new checklist that includes different elements informational pieces should include. We will help young writers understand what the checklist includes and how to use it to make their writing better. Some writers may need more time to use a checklist as a tool, and teachers use their one-on-one time during conferences to make each checklist specific for the needs of each writer.
A wonderful moment that happens in the writing workshop is called Mid-Workshop interruption, in which we interrupt writers to give them a compliment and remind them of certain teaching points. In many cases, we use this brief time to remind them of the writing strategies they have learned and that can be used in every book they write:
  • Stretch the sounds when writing words
  • Write the sounds you hear
  • Use the alphabet on your nametag
  • Find sight words you know and use them in your writing
  • Use finger spaces between words


In this short week, students will continue  comparing attributes of objects, as they have done in past weeks. This week they will be comparing objects in order to make decisions on whether there are “enough”, using the terms “ more than” or “fewer than” in order to make statements about situations when there isn’t enough of something.

Students will continue to work on the core value of compassion this month, exploring the ways they can be kind and supportive friends and discussing what it is they expect from a good friend. Continuing on the previous theme of “filling a friend’s bucket” with kind words and actions, the students will brainstorm and role play ways that can kids and adults alike can show kindness in the classroom and in the school.

Social Studies
This is the final week of Mystery Guests visiting our classroom and teaching us about what they do at CAC. We have enjoyed presentations from teachers from every division, as well as administrators and support staff (and even some students!). Very soon, we will select some CAC workers to interview to learn even more about!

Thank you all for taking the time to read our newsletters!

Ms. Ana, Ms. Paola, and Mr. Balazs

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